Where to start with this one...
The main issue I have with adverts such as this is that companies seem to have no problem with having absolute imbeciles sell their product. Admittedly, it is the lovely ladies who are buying the drink, but our six erstwhile ejits are the focus of the piece. Why, even in this cider-skewed universe, would someone overhearing an order at a bar assume that it was a request for companionship?
Alright, so these things don't necessarily have to make sense if they're funny. This ad, sadly, is not. It's anti-funny. Not only do the these pricks immediately kick one of their mates away (contravening the established 'bro's before ho's rule), they assume the best way to appear as brothers is to dress up in identical clothing and facial hair. If the woman had asked for a traveling identical quintuplet family freak-show, then fair enough. But she didn't. She asked for five bottles of fucking cider, you fucking MORONS.
Also is the girl going to REALLY prefer these men with Ginger hair and mustaches? Is she just going to drop her drink in disbelief, and declare her undying love to all of them? Why are there so many complete idiots in ads now?